Friday, November 18, 2011

Newt Sucks Blood of the Dead

At the same time he spoke against Obamacare single-payer and Government Death Panels, Mr Newton "Tiffany" Gingrich was fattening himself at the Health Insurance Lobby Pig Trough.14,000 people die every year from being uninsured due to inadequate care. This is pure profits for health care not paid by the same people who pay Newt to denigrate poor people and the working class. How does the Newt sleep at night? Very well thank you. Big Pharma has made sure he is always "comfortable" and since he has government health care from his last "job" he needs no "government handouts". Bless you Newton for all you do for the wealthiest people who need people just like you who use their liberal education for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many.
Turkey stuffer.

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