Saturday, July 5, 2008

Good For Pigeons

I sat on the bench at the Yacht Club and a pigeon landed near by and walked in my direction. I looked on the ground as he/she pecked at a dried leaf which got stuck for a moment and she/he shook it off and didn’t seem to give it second thought. I remembered I had packed a snack in my saddlebag. I pulled out the Tupperware and ate a couple cherries and threw a soft juicy one his/her way. The pigeon did not seem to notice it as she/he looked around for more stuff in a fairly barren wasteland. I moved over to the fishing dock and watched an obviously home made stern wheel boat with an on-deck stove smokin’ away. The pigeon followed me expecting me to eat more and perhaps spill a little something something her way. I then noticed the almost empty bag of Fiery Hot Cheetos left on the dock. The pigeon was pecking away at the found treasure.
0 grams trans fat
the label said. I looked at the ingredients. Hydrogenated soybean oil… huh isn’t that trans fat?
Well I was worried about my friend Ms Pigeon getting cancer. I spoke up. “Hey, Pigeon! Don’t eat that. It will give you cancer.” He ignored my politically correct act of compassionate informational lobbying. I then had the insight of the day. Pigeons don’t live long enough to get cancer. Duh. So I am being compassionate about diet for a hungry pigeon whose main concern is getting enough calories to be able to fly. Mine on the other hand, is to eat enough of the right foods to not fly too soon.
Good for pigeons. Cheetos Fiery Hot Snacks.

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