Thursday, February 21, 2013

Arrivederci Pope Benedict

Good Good Bye to a man not quite as infallible as the church doctrine would force you to believe. Under his leadership over 100 priests have been ex-communicated for teaching liberation theology. The Church of the Doctrine of the Faith, formerly known as the Office of the Inquisition will get Mr Ratzinger back because, rumors abound, he is charged (EU/Italy) for multiple charges of facilitating child abuse and covering up priests by moving them to different dioceses to avoid legal problems. Now he must "enter a life of prayer within the Vatican". Or else, risk being arrested and tried Pope of the pedophile. That ends the notion of infallibility slipped in unbeknownst to our lord and Savior JC of Nazareth. This is what bothers me about religion. The books are holy and complete works of G*D but need "councils and colleges of Cardinals" to perfect the doctrine. Bullshit. Benedict is a disgrace to all catholics and Christians as well. Fundamentalism and nostalgia for the "old ways of the church" are only signs of a dying role of religion in the establishment of power and justice long since lost and blamed on liberation theology and leftist ideology. We who think outside the Book think the Crusades and the Inquisition are not suitable endeavors for our leaders. Unfortunately, these power systems are integrated into our courts, our schools, and ultimately who works and teaches in our society.