Monday, December 1, 2008

Class War

There seems to be a concensus between my GOP voting friend and myself, a rare enough occasion. There seems to be an awful lot of looting going on now. Like when CNN kept showing the guy in Bagdhad in 2004 with a lamp walking out of a museum. In our version of the Amerikkkan dream, the daily appearances of Uncle Fester Paulson with an endless list of fat cats and money people who need a lot of cash NOW, not too unlike the comments of Donald Rumsfeld that "how much can one guy steal"?
Really? how much has Bush and his criminal "war on terror" stolen from us? Not enough apparently, because they are still handing out money like there's an end to the handouts coming.
Personally I don't see an end to this until someone with a brain and some guts stands up and calls a spade a run on the treasury.

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