Tuesday, June 24, 2008


George was a man of honor in that he never said what he thought would please the POWERS. I appreciate his candor in fact he probably inspired the type of raw honesty I have used to defend myself in times of certain hypocrisy and flakiness.
He seemed to believe in justice without the fear/need of God. In a way this makes him a little more a man than those motivated by fear and the proposition that they might get to reap a reward of heavenly proportions(you name it the Christians, Hindus even the Buddhist NKT promises a "Pure Land" in the end and the Muslim harem of virgins for the patriot warriors) It seems that war gets a lot of nastiness out of the way. It clears away any doubts about who is right and conversely who is wrong... Which, as Carlin so aptly spoke about, is what gets us so readily into wars and conflicts. It's to protect our "stuff". The stuff of madness he won't have to defy anymore. Peace be with you Mr. Carlin.

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