Monday, June 30, 2008

No More Pineapple Juice

I just got back from Trader Joe's where I normally buy a 2 liter bottle of Hawaiian Pineapple juice. Sometimes I ask when I can't find something. The manager said, "Sorry it's too expensive to ship and sell at our prices." The end of cheap food is here not that 3.79 was all that cheap for non-organic juice. So I returned to my old standard stand-by organic apple juice. It's great but it doesn't have the same enzymes. Where are those wonderful Mexican pineapples I ate the last time I was south.?

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wow am I Depressed?! #$%^&???

Get Well Revised

Hey Mike
The itsy bitsy Recluse climbed up the water spout.
Along came Malloy and flushed that sucker out.
Recluse went and bit Mikey on the arm.
He thought it was a Bee and Benadryl would protect him from harm.
The next day Mike's heart slows way down.
He and the family had to go to town.

They found it wasn't a Bee at Emergency
Twas a bite from from a badass spidee
Its nice to have clean place, Mike
And its nice to be nice and tidy
But put on gloves
The ones you love
Don't want to be the ones to identify the body.
(with apologiies to Ogden Nash)

I am glad you're back and you're gonna be OK. Next time get the secret service to clear the brush of spiders like they do for the giggling killer.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mike Malloy

Hey Mike, I heard you got bit by one of them bees. "You ever know anyone that got stung by a dead bee?"
Do you know who said that? and in what movie?
I hope you recover soon. The guy who replaced you was just this side of Mike weiner to me.
Hope you like the card. I like you. I miss you. We miss you. Did you know they have made 'artificial" insects at UC Berkeley that fly and stuff for the DoD. You don't think they ... nah.'
Take care keep your light shining.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Size Matters: A Note to Jian Ghomeshi Q Host CBC Radio

Hey Jian
The top 10% eat a lot of turf. Some of them are on your show.
Please Jian, remind your rich friends and guests to be good examples and promote ecological simplicity. Not saying you have to move into a yurt.

I appreciated the ribbing you gave to Billy Bragg about being the punk-socialist jet setter in these last days of carbon wasting. I think the touchies and feelies coming to digital entertainment might represent the alternative to touring. Imagine 3D holographic rock shows in arenas, a kind holodeck for concerts which is what some struggling opera companies are attempting. But that might put more people out of work than disco(sic). Forget it, man. I was only dreaming.
"What a wonderful World"

I love your show.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


George was a man of honor in that he never said what he thought would please the POWERS. I appreciate his candor in fact he probably inspired the type of raw honesty I have used to defend myself in times of certain hypocrisy and flakiness.
He seemed to believe in justice without the fear/need of God. In a way this makes him a little more a man than those motivated by fear and the proposition that they might get to reap a reward of heavenly proportions(you name it the Christians, Hindus even the Buddhist NKT promises a "Pure Land" in the end and the Muslim harem of virgins for the patriot warriors) It seems that war gets a lot of nastiness out of the way. It clears away any doubts about who is right and conversely who is wrong... Which, as Carlin so aptly spoke about, is what gets us so readily into wars and conflicts. It's to protect our "stuff". The stuff of madness he won't have to defy anymore. Peace be with you Mr. Carlin.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Little Scotty

How does Karl Rove allow Little Scotty McClellen to speak his peace to the House Judiciary Committee? Rumor has it that McCain won't make it to the election. I think Scotty may have some unseen health concerns also and soon. This may be why he has seemed to have a crumb in his craw to clear his slate before he moves on for good. Even though we have his new book it is not going to reveal exactly what inspired him to turn on the BFEE.

Homeland Security

On my way back from the bike shop, I stopped at the rowing club to rest a bit and have some medicine and watch the sailboats and other watercraft. I noticed our Local Coast Guard boat heading up the channel. I counted the crew(6) and noted they were out at a nice time of day after lighting up I turned around and saw they were now towing another water craft. My first thought, "OK, They're arresting someone, or No they're helping a stranded craft get safely out of the navigation channel." BINGO. Only one hitch, the stranded craft was another Local Coast Guard Craft." Now were they training in rescue techniques or do our Local Coast Guard watercraft need a tune-up just in case the 4th largest port in North America has a problem?

I hope I am being naive and it was just rookies getting a handle on stringing out a tow line. And not a case of, as in Iraq, equipment that is substandard and failing in the everyday operations in smooth seas and moderate temperatures. I am being ever vigilant anyway until I know things are safely back in the hands of the other guys.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

No Singing Allowed

I called the White House Comment Line. 202-456-1111. I wanted to speak a little about my pride in guys who are still working for me in D.C. Mr Kucinich once more started impeachment articles. Mr Wexler joined him in the work. I called the comment line and started to sing "I'm So Proud" with new words. The volunteer started to shout "Don't Sing! Don't Sing!" I was taken aback by this censorship and then i realized this is a volunteer, they don't want to have to try to transcribe the words to a song sung over the phone. It is hard for even a trained musician to decipher the sounds of distortion. Another sign of the loss of freedom. The silencing of the song. Isn't singing a pursuit of happiness? What does the new signing statement constitution look like? When W re-writes the damn piece of paper will it resemble anything that the founders wrote? i hardly think so and if it does it didn't come from the brain of Dick Cheney(Darth).

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hate Speech

Michael Reagan is now promoting hate speech which if he were a leftist would be considered terrorism. In fact it is terrorism. To call for murdering babies and mothers and the final solution, killing all the residents of the Middle East.
It is a sad state of affairs when someone who claims the name of Grandpa Reagan and acts like Joseph Goebells. If he was broadcasting in Germany he would be arrested and tried for war crimes. Thank God the war is protecting his right to hate and to ask others to hate and hope for murder and mayhem. Thank God his sponsors are getting their money's worth from Mr Reagan. They won't get my money though and they will get my boot in the ass if I ever get that close, but no grenades. Grenades are exclusively for fascists like Michael Reagan to kill 1 year old babies and their mothers.

Monday, June 16, 2008


The article By MoDowd from Paris tells how Mr Bush has not really changed at all since 2002. It is the sign of a sociopath that kills so many people and has no regrets. I have regrets maybe I am making up for his insensitivity to the mayhem and violence perpetrated by his war on terrorism. The use of cluster ordinances on civillian targets in Afghanistan and Iraq the detention and torture of children and the wiretapping of US domestic communications without warrants. Only three of 35 articles of impeachment presented to the US Congress one week ago.

At least I do not regret voting for the guy or standing sliently as he declared his wars. I only regret the ineffeicency with which the congress and the citizens of this great nation had in delaying or defeating the fascist putsch of the Neocon (Perl Wolfowitz Rumsfeld) forces that ruled foreign policy.
7 dollars for some commodities.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Its Saturday and I am listening to bluegrass music in fact from 9-12 in the morning. I am writng here because my other blog is down for some reason
There is a video of my present musical endeavor. There is a picture of me age 3 before I had my innocence taken from me. How did I know I was going to be a Buddhist? Yeah the fat guy they burn incense on. Shakymuni was not obese and not an ecstatic either though nirvana is approached in his teachings. Speaking of teachers I saw Matthew Fox walking through my space where I actually play. It's our church, Mat. Come on by and you don't have to partake in the sacraments but if you listen carefully you can hear all the places Jazz was in our jams.
The next day after I talked to Mat and invted him to come by and listen, I was at the rowing club on the bench medicating and a young man approached around the corner and asked if he could sit dowm. i smiled and said of course to which he commented that some people are not so friendly. His story in short, evicted for being poor HIV+ and can't handle the rent increase on disablilty SSI. Thrown out of a shelter after being taken for his last 20$ and wondering where he is going to sleep, if he should take his meds without food even though he knows it will make himsick.
I gave him some medicine. I gave him my scarf I recieved from my musician friend from Thailand. I gave him 10 $ I just happened to have for such emergencies. I thought of Matthew at that time. Am I a "minister"? where is my sangha? How do I transform and do the "work". It costs money to be a mystic healer. Can you send me some please Ms Universe?
Just enough not too much.
Thank you