Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Last Chance for Fundamentalists

The passing of a marriage equality law in NY state last week helps the right-wing fundamentalists to raise once more the false fears of the falling of our nation due to liberal laws that allow what is practiced by the majority of adults which is heterosexual and not exactly evangelical or Mormon as they would like us to believe or for that matter, Agnus Dei wouldn't like their pastors marrying the little girls they molest either if they were women. The practice which is referred to as "sodomy" is done mostly by straight people. But since anything not designed to promote the reproduction of said straight heterosexual sodomites is labelled as sodomy I assume they only think motss can actually commit these now legal acts and wish to criminalize these acts again as this will make the gay go away since it just an urge just like sodomizing your husband.wife/other.
Now legal in most of America

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