Today I am on my third day of returning to a vegan diet. I am also starting my third month of being without a job. This is the story I have to tell about my life in the Bay Area coping with depression, anxiety, being intelligent and feeling like I am vestigial i.e. a little toe that grows on the surface of the foot and serves no purpose in locomotion or balance.
I was fired after I called a busboy a lazy motherfucker. This was not my first infraction with Spenger's Fresh Fish Grotto DBA McCormick and Schmick Restaurant group. I was almost fired after hearing a sous chef call me crazy. Unfortunately, no one else heard him dis on me. They all heard me go off on him for singling me out for my mental illness. I should have been fired for this alone since the chef is a sacred being in the MSRG and should never be questioned or "disrepected". I knew I was terminated almost as the words "Lazy Motherfucker" flowed out of my mouth. When J the manager asked my if I had cursed at the busser I asked if I should clock out. She laughed nervously like I hadn't said anything that could possibly end my career with MSRG. I told her she needed to look at my file. The previous GM, a crippled and slightly Caine Mutiny kind of gal, had made sure to document an unsolicited hug (sexual harrassment) and the attempted assault by a AA guest on my person which I, being the cracker I am, had provoked. So in spite of nearly 7 years of servitude including almost a year of recovering from a hit and run bicycle accident and being on limited duty I was handed a check (severence? the manager who fired me said "we have to separate" like it was a divorce. I was consumated, all right) for $253.19 and asked to leave.
Now I have a story to tell about my years with the MSRG a corporation owned by William McCormick a great GOP pioneer who has profitted personally and professionally from his support of the Bush Family Evil Empire (BFEE). It is funny that I worked for a company that supports death and destruction in the Middle East while reaping profits breaking unions and putting a nice face on the destruction of the planet. Remember Wild Salmon runs in California, Oregon Washington? The hatcheries and farms have killed them off. So MSRG gets their salmon from Chile and their Lox from Scotland. A long way from the watchful eyes of the environmentalists who monitor the world's oceans and rivers. A nice face to decimated sharks, swordfish, roughy, Seabass etc.
Eat bait. Sand dabs( a local favorite served "French style") a variety of sole served in a size that only a baitshop could love. "i am sorry we are out of spotted owl" would you like to try the bald eagle?"
The dead zones off the coast of Oregon, Louisiana, California's dying seabirds starved to death so the multinationals can steal krill and hake for fish farms. No more cheap tortillas for Mexicans and no coconut oil for your pina colada in paradiso either we need the biofuels. This rambling blog of a man near his last bit of medicinal cannabis is a potpouri of anger grief and depair while the planet gets divvied up by the happy neocon likes of William McCormick(insert any name in the BFEE)and his GOP warmongers. I saw the face of the beast. I was poisoned by association and now I reap my karma.
I scraped my last small change up to buy a banana to put in my rice porridge(jook). I like rice, its the stuff most of the world's people subsist on. A complete protein all by itself. Being vegan is not easy but 3 billion people are mostly that way because of the economics of food and procuring meat requires land, water, and resources controlled by a small minority. Mr Greed sells meat cuts down forests and rapes the oceans so he can get more money to give away to the BFEE and GOP neocons to kill more civilians and steal more resources from the future generation who will inherit nothing.
After reading so far wouldn't you agree that I am better off not working for the neocon death worshippers even if they would have my foul mouth disrepectful ass on the payroll?
Me too. But I am hungry and broke. In the past I used pawn shops and lost my TV(a blessing thank you Lucky Loan) because I couldn't get the dough to buy it back before my ticket expired.
Had to spend my unemployment on an abortion(1980) should have bought some condoms or got the vasectomy then (instead of waiting until 1996) but there is no deferrment for child support and I only have to worry about food and thankfully not feeding my genetic prototype of which there is no known inheritor.
"The meek shall inherit nothing"
Frank Zappa
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