Sunday, June 13, 2010

If You See These Men Together Someone Wants Your Money

The mail my mom gets from fringe-wing fright mongers preying on people on fixed incomes always has one or two themes; Obama is a ___________ or a ________. He is a friend of Usama bin Laden (who was much closer to the Bush Family Evil Empire BFEE) but if you voted for Mr Shoots Wolves From Helicopter, then you are feeling the wrong people are in control. Which is kind of how I feel now but not nearly as I did for 8 years with BFEE in control. The clock ran out and they had to bail out before they bailed out. The GOP solicitations for support to defeat the legal defense of Git'mo prisoners and to impeach the president for being a Muslim Marxist Socialist Kenyan and did you notice he is black? That's the bottom line. The dark skinned people are taking our country away from us. That's good for 20$ to 100$ Oh and the gay to the SCOTUS too. Too many horrible things to mention, just send us money and we will get Justice Roberts to save prayer and Justice (Fat Tony)Scalia will save the fetuses. Hallelujah send more money and bless you. Or you're with THEM.

Monday, June 7, 2010

human Experiments

The blog boingboing reports that the use of medical observers at CIA directed interrogation sites where at least 8 prisoners died during detention, indicates there are strong evidence that should be investigated by the USDoJ. Though no one was charged with war crimes, if the information obtained through public documents is true, it is looking like we have ourselves another Bush Cheney Obama moral dilemma. Should we pursue this or just "move forward"?
I am not telling.