Thursday, July 31, 2008

"...unless there is a crime"...

Ms Pelosi spoke about the impeachment again on E. There apparently will be no impeachment proceedings on the table " unless there is a crime" is a quote I think i can live with. Apparently murder is not a crime. Bugliosi says he will expect someone will proceed with some kind of legal pursuit of the giggling killer since murder and war crimes have no statute of limitations. It was 31 years after Pinochet got "Pinocheted".
Who will have the Kay Jones to go after the BFEE? Not I said the pacifist.
Note there is a black out on the book. "The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder" not a quote Vincent Bugliosi. Google that.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Is Canada on Its Last Leg?

Prime minister Harper wants to beef up the military to defend the True North. We want their Diamonds, oil and tar sands. I know how much those Nano surfaced highways for hydrogen cell cars are going to cost if we buy the asphalt from Venezuela. Also after the dollar finally bottoms out the new Amero will need some of the Klondike gold to start the new North American Currency. This Canada Goose stopped me in my tracks and made me think about how complacent and smug these guys up there are for the future. He makes it look easy but is he really comfortable even with the national health care system up there?

Monday, July 21, 2008


Two new books on the rush to war based on lies and deception are worrying the neocons. hallelujah Bush is leaving soon.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Good Morning Viet Nam

Good news for Basa fishermen, the U$A domestic catfish crop has collapsed. Now they can get a decent price for their produce. And Mississippi, well it can sink into the black hole that once was the "Gulf". Let then eat Basa.

Monday, July 14, 2008


The seasonal fruit I love is now past, if I only buy local. Cherry season moving North already past the Gorge and into the Chelan country soon to be in the Okanogan at maybe 9$ a lb but possible right?
The price of fresh fruit is a reason to get into the money game. I am ready to be a player. Bring me the Bings, Bra.

Friday, July 11, 2008

What No Signing Statement, George?

The FISA 2008 Bill with it's Carte Blanche for the telecommies, is signed and placed into the vault sans signing statement. I guess this one needs no rewrite by The Decider.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Advocacy for Vets

To day I got a call from a man in OR who is a disabled US Navy veteran with PTSD. He drove 60 miles to the nearest VA clinic and stood on wobbly knees waiting for 15 minutes for a receptionist to acknowledge and sign him on for a blood draw. The PA announcement reports, "System failure computer link is not established." after the announcement, the receptionist/nurse came out to tell my friend, " Sorry there isn't anything we can do for you at this time." To which my friend walked outside the office and yelled, "F@#k the V.A." and the security officer heard him and said he would have to stop or be put under arrest and shipped to federal detention facility 150 miles away. My friend says, "O.K. arrest me. Maybe I will at least get someone to treat me, I am not resisting arrest."
The security officer suggested he talk a while before turning himself in to the authorities. About that time, another vet walked up who knew my friend's medical condition which includes sensitivity to heat, and tried to coach my friend to get away from the heat and away from the officer. The officer who wasn't sure he wanted my friend to return inside the clinic, told the olther vet to back off as we " had a situation here."
My friend was released and drove 15 minutes before he realized he still hadn't gotten his blood draw and had to return. His car gets 14 MPG in town and the VA pays him 12.55 for the mileage. (120). How many men each day get treated like this or are denied services because of their disability? The VA is understaffed and at times a liability to the government as it takes so long to provides services that familes are endangered and lives are lost. These casualties of war are never counted in the statistics. If you know a vet realize they put their lives on the line for the elites in this nation who got a 10 trillion dollar tax break from Bush Co.
Too bad we waste so much on weapons systems and not enough on health housing and counseling for our veterans. Same as it ever was, just ask any civil war veteran.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Good For Pigeons

I sat on the bench at the Yacht Club and a pigeon landed near by and walked in my direction. I looked on the ground as he/she pecked at a dried leaf which got stuck for a moment and she/he shook it off and didn’t seem to give it second thought. I remembered I had packed a snack in my saddlebag. I pulled out the Tupperware and ate a couple cherries and threw a soft juicy one his/her way. The pigeon did not seem to notice it as she/he looked around for more stuff in a fairly barren wasteland. I moved over to the fishing dock and watched an obviously home made stern wheel boat with an on-deck stove smokin’ away. The pigeon followed me expecting me to eat more and perhaps spill a little something something her way. I then noticed the almost empty bag of Fiery Hot Cheetos left on the dock. The pigeon was pecking away at the found treasure.
0 grams trans fat
the label said. I looked at the ingredients. Hydrogenated soybean oil… huh isn’t that trans fat?
Well I was worried about my friend Ms Pigeon getting cancer. I spoke up. “Hey, Pigeon! Don’t eat that. It will give you cancer.” He ignored my politically correct act of compassionate informational lobbying. I then had the insight of the day. Pigeons don’t live long enough to get cancer. Duh. So I am being compassionate about diet for a hungry pigeon whose main concern is getting enough calories to be able to fly. Mine on the other hand, is to eat enough of the right foods to not fly too soon.
Good for pigeons. Cheetos Fiery Hot Snacks.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Right Wing Kool-Aid

4th of July

Rant Rant Rant Lie Lie Lie
Blah Blah Blah HUGE Release of Methane

Guess Who?
Yes that's Right it's Rush Limbaugh. My impression.
Thank you